These locations of Johnson Matthey “provide contract research, process development and small scale synthesis services to the pharmaceutical industry.” – From Johnson Matthey’s website
SPEC has supported Pharm Eco Labs (now Johnson Matthey Pharmaceuticals Services), dating back to 1994 when SPEC renovated the client’s first Pilot Scale manufacturing facility in N. Andover, MA. This facility is still operational and SPEC has supported its ongoing operations.
As the company grew and required additional facilities, SPEC master planned The JMPS facility in Devens, MA in 1998. After completion of the 1st phase of construction JMPS (at that time Pharm ECO Labs) occupied approximately ½ of the three available wings constructed. Phase 1 included corporate offices, research, development labs, QA/QC labs and a central utilities plant, and shell / core work creating the basis for the campus that exists today.
Over the course of the last 5 years SPEC has designed and completed construction of numerous capital improvement projects at this site. Most recently SPEC designed, constructed, commissioned and supported the completion of two manufacturing suites for API’s. This project included upgraded utilities to support the manufacturing requirements.
Project Highlights
- Design for Blast relief / resistant construction
- cGMP Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Suites
- Utilities upgrade for emergency power, syltherm low temp. chiller system, etc.
- Hastelloy C and Stainless Reactors
- Delta V Batch Controls Platform
- Open book accounting with 100% of Savings returned to the client
- Single contract linking design intent with construction outcome
- Performance based criteria for measurement of project completion