Canned Centrifugal Pumps. These centrifugal pumps are used when materials are hazardous and the risk of a leak unacceptable. They are enclosed in a can or container that has no seals that can fail. Canned pumps are of two types. One type has a separate external motor which drives the pump. Magnetic drives act as a link between the shaft and impeller. The other type has the motor and pump in an enclosure with only the electrical connections for the motor passing through the can. Because there are no moving parts in the electrical connection, there is no possibility of a leak.
Things to Consider: Leak proof & explosion proof design, No external lubrication, Compactness, Easy maintenance, Low noise & vibration, Head versus flow volume performance curve, Specific gravity of fluid being pumped, Motor rpm and electrical requirements, Dimensions, Weight, Warranty.
Fiberglass Centrifugal Pumps. These centrifugal pumps are designed for use with corrosive, toxic, noxious, and carcinogenic liquids. The pump fluid chamber is isolated from the separate external motor which drives the pump. Magnetic drives act as a link between the shaft and impeller. Similar to mag-drive pumps, except they are made from fiberglass. These pumps offer strengths comparable to metal construction.
Things to Consider: Application, Maximum flow, Maximum pressure, Wetted materials, Chemical compatibility Connections, Motor rpm and electrical requirement, Dimensions, Weight, Warranty.
Industrial Centrifugal Pumps. These pumps, while in principle operating in the same manner as all centrifugal pumps, are characterized by their size, durable construction, and high-volume pumping capacity. These pumps are primarily used in large water management projects.
Things to Consider: Maximum flow, Maximum pressure, Wetted materials, Connections, Motor rpm and electrical requirement, Dimensions, Weight, Warranty.
Mag Drive Centrifugal Pumps. These centrifugal pumps are designed for use with corrosive, toxic, noxious, radio-active, and carcinogenic liquids. The pump fluid chamber is isolated from the separate external motor which drives the pump. Magnetic drives act as a link between the shaft and impeller.
Things to Consider: Application, Maximum flow, Maximum pressure, Wetted materials, Chemical compatibility Connections, Motor rpm and electrical requirement, Dimensions, Weight, Warranty.
Centrifugal Pump Mechanical Seals. Mechanical seals consist of two basic parts, a rotating element attached to the pump shaft, and a stationary element attached to the pump casing. Each element has a highly polished sealing surface. The polished faces of the rotating and stationary elements come into contact with each other to form a seal that prevents leakage along the shaft. They are used in applications where packing material is not adequate for sealing a centrifugal pump’s shaft.
Things to Consider: Installed by vendor and hydrostatically tested with water or air for a minimum of five minutes to test for any leakage prior to shipment, Seal materials, Single versus double seals, Single seal equipped with a by-pass-flush arrangement, Warranty.
Other Centrifugal Pumps. Centrifugal pumps are the most commonly used type, and are manufactured in myriad types, sizes, and materials. Applications includes palm-sized units used in fish tanks to leviathans used in public works projects. They all, however, rely upon the same physics of converting mechanical energy into hydraulic energy by centripetal force on the liquid.
Things to Consider: Application, Height to which water is required to be pumped above pump inlet (size of head), Flow rate required, Pressure requirment, Single-admission versus double admission, Single-stage versus multi-stage, Efficiency, Impeller type, Provisions for preventing pump from ever running dry, Priming methods, Automatic priming system, Operating temperature range, Dimensions, Weight, Warranty.
Plastic Centrifugal Pumps. These centrifugal pumps are designed for use with corrosive, toxic, noxious, radio-active, and carcinogenic liquids. The pump fluid chamber is isolated from the separate external motor which drives the pump. Magnetic drives act as a link between the shaft and impeller. Similar to mag-drive pumps, except they are made from polypropylene, polyvinylidene fluoride, or similar materials.
Things to Consider: Application, Head versus flow performance curve at specified rpm, Power supply, Fuse requirement, Dimensions, Liquid temperature maximum and minimum, Wire length, Motor type, Thermal protection, Motor amps, Duty cycle, Pump body material, Lip seal material, Motor shaft material, Pump gasket material, Screw material (typically 18-8 SS), Slinger material, Ports style, Pump weight, Warranty.
Sanitary Centrifugal Pumps. The characteristic that differentiates sanitary pumps from other centrifugal pumps is that they require extreme levels of cleanliness. They require special construction materials and have stringent cleaning requirements. Costly corrosion-resistant materials and special finishes are required for product contact areas, which must be cleanable and smoothly polished. Quick-change fasteners, flanges, and gaskets are used to simplify disassembly for cleanup. Components must be rugged to withstand repeated disassembly for the cleanup procedure.
Things to Consider: Application, 3-A compliant, Clean-in-place design, Stainless steel internal components, Maximum discharge rate, Maximum head pressure, Maximum fluid viscosity, Maximum fluid temperature, Inlet port size, Outlet port size, End connections, Wetted components electropolished to 0.81 micrometer roughness average with 0.38 micrometer option, Seal materials and construction, Outlet location adjustable 360 degrees, Easy disassembly, Casing drains, Variable speed motor, Water-for-injection (WFI) option, Motor electrical requirements, Dimensions, Weight, Warranty.
Standard Centrifugal Pumps. These pumps convert mechanical energy into hydraulic energy by centripetal force on the liquid. A rotating impeller increases the velocity of the fluid. The casing of the pump acts to convert this increased velocity into an increase in pressure. A wide range of designs are available, with both constant and variable speed drives. Centrifugal pumps are arguably the most commonly used type.
Things to Consider: Application, Height to which water is required to be pumped above pump inlet (size of head), Flow rate required, Pressure requirement, Single-admission versus double admission, Single-stage versus multi-stage, Efficiency, Impeller type, Provisions for preventing pump from ever running dry, Priming methods, Automatic priming system, Operating temperature range, Dimensions, Weight, Warranty.
Turbine Centrifugal Pumps. These pumps have a high head pressure and high discharge pressure for their size and speed. They are typically used for water or fluid extraction in well applications. They are also used for agricultural irrigation, for pumping water in fire suppression systems, for groundwater remediation, or for wastewater treatment. They are constructed of a bowl assembly, impellers, a motor adapter, a pump shaft, and can be used in above-ground or below-ground settings.
Things to Consider: Flow range, Head range, Pressure, Maximum temperature of liquid, Maximum solids content of liquid (mg/L), Motor type, Motor rpm, Dimensions, Weight, Warranty.