Imported Thermal Oxidezers


Purchasing and installing a thermal oxidizer is a common solution for manufacturing facilities that need to neutralize toxic air emissions. We recently installed a foreign-made thermal-oxidizer for a client and encountered several issues that we thought would be worthwhile to share with others considering a similar solution. Consider these as lessons learned from our experience.Potential problems and considerations associated with importing foreign-made thermal oxidizers:

  •  Delivery time and cost rises when importing any foreign-made equipment.
  • The manufacturer may have to send a team of engineers overseas to your site to complete the installation due to their knowledge of the piece of equipment – this can severely impact your schedule.
  • The manufacturer may expect a list of installation requirements to have been completed by the time the thermal-oxidizer is delivered to the site.
  • The manufacturer will not accept responsibility if the installation can’t be performed because there is a lack of preparation on the client’s end or installation requirements haven’t been completed.
  • In some countries, the burning of liquid chemical waste changes the legal classification of the thermal oxidizer to a “hazardous waste incinerator.”
  • Replacement parts often have to be imported and may require the manufacturer’s assistance to be installed.
  • Keep in mind that the temperature and residence times required for thermal oxidizers can differ between countries based on emissions regulations.
  • You may need special permits for installation and startup, which can also delay your project schedule.


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