Diagnostics & Repair

Most service organizations that support manufacturing companies focus on one piece of equipment or one type of problem. However, many problems that crop up in an industrial operation do not involve a single piece of equipment or a clearly identifiable problem.For example, a critical piece of equipment may simply malfunction. If this is a chemical reactor, the problem may be a pump, but it may also be the agitator, supply lines, automation controls or some outside factor elsewhere in the plant. In this type of situation, the typical service organization is useless. ASAP offers a single call solution for the diagnosis and repair of any manufacturing problem regardless of the process, equipment or controls involved. Using a seasoned technical team to diagnose the problem and then managing the implementation of the solution though our network of suppliers and contractors, ASAP can offer a streamlined solution to a problem that might have multiple causes. There are three ways to obtain service from ASAP:

Single Issue Service
Available for next business day response, you can use ASAP without a service contract in place. Contact us during our normal business hours, M-F from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. Standard billing rates are higher than those for clients that have a service contract in place.

Service Contract
Service contracts allow our clients to reserve a fixed number of service hours each year at discounted rates. 24/7 response is available for contracts over 1,000 hours annually.

Scheduled Maintenance
The least costly approach to service, Scheduled Maintenance allows the client to select predetermined times that ASAP will visit their site to perform a standardized maintenance package. This approach also allows the client to address non-critical plant upgrades and changes during these maintenance periods.


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SPEC Process Engineering & Construction